What is Otley 2030?
Otley is a charity comprised of local people who are keen to do their bit to make Otley a more sustainable and fairer town.
We were established in 2019 on the back of Otley Town and Leeds City councils declaring Climate Emergencies. We then went on to work with other people from across the city to create Climate Action Leeds, so that we could work in cooperation with other groups and key stakeholders across the city.
Our goal is to make Otley a carbon-zero, sustainable and fair town by the 2030s, and to ensure that this transition is made in a just and democratic way, involving all areas of our local community.

What is the structure of Otley 2030?
Board of
Festival of
There is a Board of Trustees, currently comprising of seven members, who can be elected on and off the board at our AGM. This board meets once every couple of months to ensure that the aims and objectives of Otley 2030 are being met.
There is then the Core Group which brings together members of the board, working groups, and project groups to share ideas and make sure we are all working together in a holistic manner. This group also meet bi-monthly (alternate months to the Board of Trustees). Anybody is welcome to come and listen in at these meetings.
Feeding in to the Core Group, we have Working Groups and Project Groups. The working groups focus on key areas such as food, transport, energy, zero waste etc. The project groups work on specific events, like the Festival of Kindness. These groups are largely autonomous and devise their own strategies and meeting structures. Some of the working groups might also have Sub-Groups. For example, our Nature Network has sub-groups including: Rewilding Otley and The Wild Garden Group.
A small sample of the structure can be seen in the diagram to the left (desktop only).
What are Otley 2030's Objectives?
• Engagement: To support a conversation with all sections of the community and collaborate within and
beyond the town to understand everyone’s priorities and help them make more informed decisions to fully
participate in creating our better future together.
• Wellbeing: To enhance overall wellbeing in Otley, and use it as a key measure of success, by creating a more
balanced, active and connected life for all generations with community at the heart of a resilient, healthy,
happy and fair town.
• Climate action: To reduce the town’s greenhouse gas emissions to net zero meaning any residual emissions
will be fully offset by carbon capture such as tree planting, taking into account the impact of the things we
consume and international travel despite these being currently excluded from the global budgets,
recognising our full responsibility in the movement to avoid the worst potential impacts of the climate crisis.
• Climate resilience: To build resilience in our own food systems, infrastructure, property and community and
support the most vulnerable in the world, as we all learn to address and adapt to the unfolding
consequences of climate change and the impacts on the planet.
• Nature: To create a wildlife friendly town as part of a network of connected habitats, supporting rewilding
where practical and understanding how best to use our natural assets to improve biodiversity, wellbeing,
carbon capture, natural flood management and economic benefit and to ensure that land, water, and air
quality are kept at the highest possible levels.
• Economy: To promote alternative measures of success than what we own and consume, and encourage
positive lifestyles and the development of a diverse and socially-responsible circular economy where plastic
and waste are minimised, operating from environmentally-friendly buildings, that will provide opportunities
for local businesses and create meaningful employment within Otley and the surrounding area.
• Housing: To ensure our homes provide affordable, low carbon comfort no matter what the weather, our
gardens conserve water, reduce flooding and promote wildlife and that new developments and renovations
prioritise community led, affordable and environmentally friendly homes that achieve both reduced car use
and greater connections.
• Food: To empower people to grow and share organic food locally, through community growing spaces and
educational resources and create direct links between local producers, businesses and consumers,
addressing food waste and with full transparency on how food is produced, its journey to the plate and the
overall environmental and health impacts of the choices we make.
• Transport: To create a healthier, safer, more affordable and integrated transport system for Otley and our
connections with other communities, supporting reduced overall travel, active travel, efficient public
transport, low-emission technology and alternatives to car ownership and aviation.
• Energy: To power-down the use of energy with smarter behaviour and energy efficiency measures and
power-up the development and provision of clean local energy and other sustainable technology.
How are you measuring your impact?
We are working closely with the University of Leeds and Climate Action Leeds to use Doughnut Economics (DE) to establish benchmark measurements and targets for Otley.
DE is a tool for measuring the success of an economy or place not just using simple measurements like GDP, but looking at how people thrive within the boundaries of the planet.
We will be creating a page dedicated to how DE will be used in Otley shortly. If you would like more information in the meantime, please view this TED Talk from Kate Raworth or check out some of the material on the Doughnut Economics Action Lab page.

How can I get involved?
There are a number of ways you can get involved:
Join a working/project group
Become a trustee of our board
We have lots of general volunteer roles that we need help with - from web design, to funding applications, to volunteer management
Please email us at hello@otley2030.com to discuss how you could get involved.